Tiring day :(

The weather was so damn nice this morning .. Pouring rain at my hometown and I was freezing cold ! I don't even wanna get out from my cozy warm bed ! I kept snoozing my phone alarm and it doesn't work too .. Cause the tigress was yelling somewhere at downstairs to ask me to get ready in 15 mins .. Wait ... What ?? 15 mins ?! You gotta be kidding me MOMMY ! I rushed to the toilet and tried my best to finish all the tasks within the time given ..  Yeah , as I just said , the weather was freezing cold and it was drizzling as I reached school . And yupp , I managed to be in the exam hall before it start . Thanks to ma sis , Tiff , dragged me to the hall as I was like walking dead . As I was walking I heard a familiar voice calling out , no , I mean shouting , my lovely name . And I was straight away wide awake . On top of that , I was sick since Thursday , but now , all my sickness seem like vanished as soon as I chatted with that adorable monkey . I felt a sudden warmth every time I talked to that monkey although the weather is less than zero degree .. Huh , that monkey will never know .. 

As for today , my routine are still the same . After school , then lunch , then nap for 30 mins , then bath , then 1st round tuition till 5pm , then tea time , then 2nd round tuition till 10.30pm , then dinner , then rest ..
That's it for today , goodnight !

* I love when you whispering to me through the phone . Cause that's way too adorable !!

 " I love you "

Ignore my randomness . I'm just being weird . 


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