People are traveling around the world on their semester break and here I am traveling every corner of my bed. Well I did sort of travel, not around the world, but around KL area 😅 Went to visit one old friend but still best buddy of mine and she is still, hmmm, how should I say, hyperactive ? Especially when she's playing Dota 2. Fucking noisy like seriously HAHA. She got her new baby toy (MSI gaming lappy) from Taiwan and it only cost 41k ( which is RM 4.1k ) WTF. I frigging adore its glowing keyboard mannnnn ! Purple color the most beautiful color !
And so I went to repair my spec four days ago and the lady manager said that need to send my spec to their headquarter and might take 2-3 days to process. Cause I broke my spec into two pieces. Yup two pieces. I was on the phone that time and I didn't notice my poor lil spec is beside my big butt and them piak. I sat on it and it broke. What to do. My spec is fragile ( You careless brat freaking blame the spec ) Ngawwww and yesterday I went to there again and the lady manager gave me one super duper sorry face and stated that their HQ didn't give them any feedback yet I was like you frigging kidding me ? Need to wait how many days more ? Therefore I went back with disappointment. Some of you might wonder : 'How you can see thing or play Dota or even walk without your spec I mean you are partially blind without your spec ? Contact lenses perhaps ?' Yes I wear temporary lenses and today is the fifth day I wore it. It is so hard to hydrate my eye since the lens keep dehydrate my eye until it dry like the desert. I kept yawning and when I yawn I look terrible. Imagine I do this in public. My sweet image GONE. Well don't care lah I'm still pretty and I know it. Perasan level : Asian.
How to unfolded a folded lens ? I accidentally folded my lens last night and it haven't unfold yet until now :/ It is like glued firmly together :/ I've been searching for all the answers on google but nothing can apply on it :( I feel so frustrated right now :/
Speaking of Dota, I freaking lose 3 ranked match yesterday. My MMR T_T
I have a wish. I want to increase my MMR until 2.8K so that I can beat somebody. That somebody.. Marshmallowz !! You have to help me ! Together we increase our MMR ! Nyehehehe xD I need to win 40+ games. Within these two weeks. I can do it.
That's all for my latest update. Till the next post. Love x